Sets the leave allowances for the specified employee


PUT http:///api/v2/business/{businessId}/employee/{employeeId}/leaveallowances

Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
businessId string Required
employeeId string Required

Request body

The request body takes a complete MyLeaveAllowanceModel resource, containing the following writable properties:

        "automaticallyAccrues": "boolean",
        "canApplyForLeave": "boolean",
        "hoursPerYear": "double",
        "leaveCategoryId": "string",
        "leaveCategoryName": "string",
        "leaveUnitType": "string",
        "unitType": "string",
        "units": "double"


Name Type Description
automaticallyAccrues boolean Boolean
canApplyForLeave boolean Boolean
hoursPerYear double Decimal
leaveCategoryId string String
leaveCategoryName string String
leaveUnitType string String
unitType string String
units double Nullable


The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.

Status code Description Resource
200 OK