Updates the expense request with the specified ID.


PUT http:///api/v2/business/{businessId}/employee/{employeeId}/expenserequest/{expenseRequestId}

Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
expenseRequestId int32 Required
businessId string Required
employeeId string Required

Request body

The request body takes a complete ExpenseRequestEditModel resource, containing the following writable properties:

    "attachments": [
            "dateCreated": "date-time",
            "dateScanned": "date-time",
            "friendlyName": "string",
            "id": "int32",
            "isInfected": "boolean",
            "url": "string"
    "description": "string",
    "employeeId": "int32",
    "id": "int32",
    "lineItems": [
            "amount": "double",
            "dateIncurred": "date-time",
            "expenseCategoryId": "int32",
            "id": "int32",
            "locationId": "int32",
            "notes": "string",
            "taxCode": "string",
            "taxCodeDisplayName": "string",
            "taxRate": "double"


Name Type Description
attachments[] array
attachments[].dateCreated date-time Nullable
attachments[].dateScanned date-time Nullable
attachments[].friendlyName string String
attachments[].id int32 Nullable
attachments[].isInfected boolean Nullable
attachments[].url string String
description string String
employeeId int32


id int32 Int32
lineItems[] array
lineItems[].amount double Decimal
lineItems[].dateIncurred date-time DateTime
lineItems[].expenseCategoryId int32 Int32
lineItems[].id int32 Nullable
lineItems[].locationId int32 Nullable
lineItems[].notes string String
lineItems[].taxCode string String
lineItems[].taxCodeDisplayName string String
lineItems[].taxRate double Nullable


The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.

Status code Description Resource
200 OK