Updates the employee with the specified ID. Only fields to be updated need be specified. Fields left unspecified or null will not be changed. To update a field provide the new value, to specifically clear a value use the string "(clear)".
Bypassing address validation:
By default we validate addresses when they are entered. If for any reason you want to skip this validation, please follow the steps below.
Please note that when ResidentialAddressIsOverseas is set to "true", ResidentialCountry must be set and likewise with PostalAddressIsOverseas and PostalCountry.
PUT http:///api/v2/business/{businessId}/employee/unstructured/{employeeId}
Parameter name | Value | Description | Additional |
employeeId | int32 | Required | |
businessId | string | Required |
The request body takes a complete UkUnstructuredEmployeeModel resource, containing the following writable properties:
"anniversaryDate": "date-time",
"applyRolledUpHolidayPay": "boolean",
"appointmentEndDate": "date-time",
"appointmentStartDate": "date-time",
"assessmentDate": "date-time",
"assessmentStatus": "string",
"automaticallyPayEmployee": "string",
"bankAccount1_AccountName": "string",
"bankAccount1_AccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"bankAccount1_FixedAmount": "double",
"bankAccount1_RollNumber": "string",
"bankAccount1_SortCode": "string",
"bankAccount2_AccountName": "string",
"bankAccount2_AccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccount2_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"bankAccount2_FixedAmount": "double",
"bankAccount2_RollNumber": "string",
"bankAccount2_SortCode": "string",
"bankAccount3_AccountName": "string",
"bankAccount3_AccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccount3_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"bankAccount3_FixedAmount": "double",
"bankAccount3_RollNumber": "string",
"bankAccount3_SortCode": "string",
"dateCreated": "date-time",
"dateOfBirth": "date-time",
"deferralDate": "date-time",
"emailAddress": "string",
"emergencyContact1_Address": "string",
"emergencyContact1_AlternateContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact1_ContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact1_Name": "string",
"emergencyContact1_Relationship": "string",
"emergencyContact2_Address": "string",
"emergencyContact2_AlternateContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact2_ContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact2_Name": "string",
"emergencyContact2_Relationship": "string",
"employeePaidIrregularly": "string",
"employeeStarterType": "string",
"employeeStatement": "string",
"endDate": "date-time",
"europeanEconomicAreaCitizen": "boolean",
"excludeEarningsFromAppLevy": "boolean",
"externalId": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"freeportQualifyingEndDate": "date-time",
"gender": "string",
"hasPostGradLoan": "boolean",
"hasStudentLoan": "boolean",
"homePhone": "string",
"hoursPerWeek": "double",
"id": "int32",
"investmentQualifyingEndDate": "date-time",
"isApprentice": "string",
"isCompanyDirector": "string",
"isEnabledForTimesheets": "string",
"isExemptFromMinimumWage": "string",
"isIR35Contractor": "boolean",
"isSecondedEmployee": "boolean",
"jobTitle": "string",
"leaveAccrualStartDateType": "string",
"leaveTemplate": "string",
"leaveYearStart": "date-time",
"locations": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"mobilePhone": "string",
"nationalInsuranceCalculationMethod": "string",
"nationalInsuranceCategory": "string",
"nationalInsuranceNumber": "string",
"occupationalPension": "boolean",
"optInDate": "date-time",
"overrideTemplateRate": "string",
"p6CodingNoticeSequenceNumber": "int64",
"p9CodingNoticeSequenceNumber": "int64",
"payConditionRuleSet": "string",
"payRateTemplate": "string",
"paySchedule": "string",
"paySlipNotificationType": "string",
"payrollId": "string",
"pensionAssessmentOption": "string",
"pensionContributionGroup": "string",
"pgl2CodingNoticeSequenceNumber": "int64",
"pglCodingNoticeSequenceNumber": "int64",
"postalAddressIsOverseas": "boolean",
"postalAddressLine2": "string",
"postalCity": "string",
"postalCountry": "string",
"postalCounty": "string",
"postalPostCode": "string",
"postalStreetAddress": "string",
"postponementOption": "string",
"preferredName": "string",
"previousEmployerContinueStudentLoanDeductions": "boolean",
"previousEmployerLeavingDate": "date-time",
"previousEmployerOfficeNumber": "string",
"previousEmployerReferenceNumber": "string",
"previousEmployerTaxCode": "string",
"previousEmployerTaxPeriodFrequency": "string",
"previousEmployerTaxPeriodNumber": "int32",
"previousEmployerTaxWithheld": "double",
"previousEmployerTaxablePay": "double",
"previousEmployerW1M1": "boolean",
"primaryLocation": "string",
"primaryPayCategory": "string",
"rate": "double",
"rateUnit": "string",
"reportingDimensionValues": "string",
"residentialAddressIsOverseas": "boolean",
"residentialAddressLine2": "string",
"residentialCity": "string",
"residentialCountry": "string",
"residentialCounty": "string",
"residentialPostCode": "string",
"residentialStreetAddress": "string",
"rolledUpHolidayPayPercentage": "double",
"rosteringNotificationChoices": "string",
"secondmentType": "string",
"sl2CodingNoticeSequenceNumber": "int64",
"slCodingNoticeSequenceNumber": "int64",
"startDate": "date-time",
"status": "string",
"studentLoanType": "string",
"surname": "string",
"tags": "string",
"taxCalculationMethod": "string",
"taxCode": "string",
"title": "string",
"veteransQualifyingEndDate": "date-time",
"workPhone": "string",
"workTypes": "string"
Name | Type | Description |
anniversaryDate | date-time |
Nullable |
applyRolledUpHolidayPay | boolean |
Nullable |
appointmentEndDate | date-time |
Nullable |
appointmentStartDate | date-time |
Nullable |
assessmentDate | date-time |
Nullable |
assessmentStatus | string | String |
automaticallyPayEmployee | string | String |
bankAccount1_AccountName | string | String |
bankAccount1_AccountNumber | string | String |
bankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount1_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount1_RollNumber | string | String |
bankAccount1_SortCode | string | String |
bankAccount2_AccountName | string | String |
bankAccount2_AccountNumber | string | String |
bankAccount2_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount2_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount2_RollNumber | string | String |
bankAccount2_SortCode | string | String |
bankAccount3_AccountName | string | String |
bankAccount3_AccountNumber | string | String |
bankAccount3_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount3_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount3_RollNumber | string | String |
bankAccount3_SortCode | string | String |
dateCreated | date-time | DateTime |
dateOfBirth | date-time |
Nullable |
deferralDate | date-time |
Nullable |
emailAddress | string | String |
emergencyContact1_Address | string | String |
emergencyContact1_AlternateContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact1_ContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact1_Name | string | String |
emergencyContact1_Relationship | string | String |
emergencyContact2_Address | string | String |
emergencyContact2_AlternateContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact2_ContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact2_Name | string | String |
emergencyContact2_Relationship | string | String |
employeePaidIrregularly | string | String |
employeeStarterType | string | String |
employeeStatement | string | String |
endDate | date-time |
Nullable |
europeanEconomicAreaCitizen | boolean |
Nullable |
excludeEarningsFromAppLevy | boolean |
Nullable |
externalId | string | String |
firstName | string | String |
freeportQualifyingEndDate | date-time |
Nullable |
gender | string | String |
hasPostGradLoan | boolean | Boolean |
hasStudentLoan | boolean | Boolean |
homePhone | string | String |
hoursPerWeek | double |
Nullable |
id | int32 | Int32 |
investmentQualifyingEndDate | date-time |
Nullable |
isApprentice | string | String |
isCompanyDirector | string | String |
isEnabledForTimesheets | string | String |
isExemptFromMinimumWage | string | String |
isIR35Contractor | boolean | Boolean |
isSecondedEmployee | boolean |
Nullable |
jobTitle | string | String |
leaveAccrualStartDateType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
leaveTemplate | string | String |
leaveYearStart | date-time |
Nullable |
locations | string | String |
middleName | string | String |
mobilePhone | string | String |
nationalInsuranceCalculationMethod | string | String |
nationalInsuranceCategory | string | String |
nationalInsuranceNumber | string | String |
occupationalPension | boolean |
Nullable |
optInDate | date-time |
Nullable |
overrideTemplateRate | string | String |
p6CodingNoticeSequenceNumber | int64 | Int64 |
p9CodingNoticeSequenceNumber | int64 | Int64 |
payConditionRuleSet | string | String |
payRateTemplate | string | String |
paySchedule | string | String |
paySlipNotificationType | string | String |
payrollId | string | String |
pensionAssessmentOption | string | String |
pensionContributionGroup | string | String |
pgl2CodingNoticeSequenceNumber | int64 | Int64 |
pglCodingNoticeSequenceNumber | int64 | Int64 |
postalAddressIsOverseas | boolean |
Nullable |
postalAddressLine2 | string | String |
postalCity | string | String |
postalCountry | string | String |
postalCounty | string | String |
postalPostCode | string | String |
postalStreetAddress | string | String |
postponementOption | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
preferredName | string | String |
previousEmployerContinueStudentLoanDeductions | boolean |
Nullable |
previousEmployerLeavingDate | date-time |
Nullable |
previousEmployerOfficeNumber | string | String |
previousEmployerReferenceNumber | string | String |
previousEmployerTaxCode | string | String |
previousEmployerTaxPeriodFrequency | string | String |
previousEmployerTaxPeriodNumber | int32 |
Nullable |
previousEmployerTaxWithheld | double |
Nullable |
previousEmployerTaxablePay | double |
Nullable |
previousEmployerW1M1 | boolean |
Nullable |
primaryLocation | string | String |
primaryPayCategory | string | String |
rate | double |
Nullable |
rateUnit | string | String |
reportingDimensionValues | string | String |
residentialAddressIsOverseas | boolean |
Nullable |
residentialAddressLine2 | string | String |
residentialCity | string | String |
residentialCountry | string | String |
residentialCounty | string | String |
residentialPostCode | string | String |
residentialStreetAddress | string | String |
rolledUpHolidayPayPercentage | double |
Nullable |
rosteringNotificationChoices | string | String |
secondmentType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
sl2CodingNoticeSequenceNumber | int64 | Int64 |
slCodingNoticeSequenceNumber | int64 | Int64 |
startDate | date-time |
Nullable |
status | string |
Possible values are:
studentLoanType | string | String |
surname | string | String |
tags | string | String |
taxCalculationMethod | string | String |
taxCode | string | String |
title | string | String |
veteransQualifyingEndDate | date-time |
Nullable |
workPhone | string | String |
workTypes | string | String |
The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.
Status code | Description | Resource |
200 | OK OK |
EmployeeUpdateResponseModel |