Updates the employing entity with the specified ID.


PUT http:///api/v2/business/{businessId}/employingentity/{id}

Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
id int32 Required
businessId string Required

Request body

The request body takes a complete AuEmployingEntityModel resource, containing the following writable properties:

    "abn": "string",
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "branchCode": "string",
    "contactEmailAddress": "string",
    "contactFaxNumber": "string",
    "contactName": "string",
    "contactPhoneNumber": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string",
    "fbtExemptOrganisationType": "string",
    "foreignEntityCountry": "string",
    "hasSeparateEntertainmentFringeBenefitsCap": "boolean",
    "id": "int32",
    "isExemptFromFringeBenefitsTax": "boolean",
    "isForeignEntity": "boolean",
    "name": "string",
    "paySlipFromEmailAddress": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "signatoryName": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "suburb": "string"


Name Type Description
abn string String
addressLine1 string String
addressLine2 string String
branchCode string String
contactEmailAddress string String
contactFaxNumber string String
contactName string String
contactPhoneNumber string String
externalReferenceId string String
fbtExemptOrganisationType string Nullable

Possible values are:

  • PublicBenevolentInstitution
  • HealthPromotionCharity
  • PublicAndNonProfitHospital
  • PublicAmbulanceService
  • PovertyRelief
  • EducationAdvancement
  • ReligionAdvancement
  • CommunityBenefit
foreignEntityCountry string String
hasSeparateEntertainmentFringeBenefitsCap boolean Boolean
id int32 Int32
isExemptFromFringeBenefitsTax boolean Boolean
isForeignEntity boolean Nullable
name string String
paySlipFromEmailAddress string String
postcode string String
signatoryName string String
state string String
suburb string String


The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.

Status code Description Resource
200 OK

