"biddableShiftCount": "int32",
"classifications": [
"id": "int32",
"name": "string"
"currentShift": {
"breakStartTimeUtc": "date-time",
"clockOnTimeUtc": "date-time",
"isPaidBreak": "boolean",
"longShift": "boolean",
"shiftId": "int32",
"status": "string"
"currentWeekSatisfactionSurvey": {
"value": "string",
"weekStartDate": "date-time"
"documentsRequiringAcknowledgementCount": "int32",
"expenseCategories": [
"externalTaxCodeId": "string",
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"taxCode": "string",
"taxRate": "double"
"expenses": {
"approvedCount": "int32",
"periodEnding": "date-time",
"periodStarting": "date-time",
"processedCount": "int32",
"rejectedCount": "int32",
"submittedCount": "int32"
"features": {
"allowEmployeeBankAccountSelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeExpensesSelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeLeaveSelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeOverrideTaxCodes": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeQualificationsSelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeRosteringSelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeSatisfactionSurvey": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeSelfEditing": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeTimesheetsSelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeTimesheetsWithoutStartStopTimes": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeToDeclineShifts": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeToSetUnavailability": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeToSwapShifts": "boolean",
"allowEmployeeWorkEligibilitySelfService": "boolean",
"allowEmployeesToEditKioskTimesheets": "boolean",
"allowEmployeesToUploadProfilePicture": "boolean",
"allowEmployeesToViewAllApprovedLeave": "boolean",
"allowToSelectHigherClassification": "boolean",
"clockOffWindowMinutes": "int32",
"clockOnAllowEmployeeShiftSelection": "boolean",
"clockOnRequirePhoto": "boolean",
"clockOnWindowMinutes": "int32",
"employeeMustAcceptShifts": "boolean",
"enableWorkZoneClockOn": "boolean",
"essTimesheetSetting": "string",
"paidBreaksEnabled": "boolean",
"shiftBidding": "boolean",
"timesheetDimensionsEnabled": "boolean",
"timesheetsRequireLocation": "boolean",
"timesheetsRequireWorkType": "boolean",
"unavailabilityCutOff": "int32"
"googleMapsApiKey": "string",
"isTerminated": "boolean",
"latestPayslip": {
"datePaid": "date-time",
"employeeId": "int32",
"id": "int32",
"netPay": "double",
"payPeriodEnd": "date-time",
"payPeriodStart": "date-time",
"paySchedule": "string",
"payerAbn": "string",
"payerBusinessNumber": "string",
"payerName": "string"
"leaveBalances": [
"accruedAmount": "double",
"leaveCategoryId": "int32",
"leaveCategoryName": "string",
"unitType": "string"
"leaveCategories": [
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"unitType": "string"
"locations": [
"defaultShiftConditionIds": [
"externalAccountingLocationId": "string",
"externalId": "string",
"fullyQualifiedName": "string",
"generalLedgerMappingCode": "string",
"id": "int32",
"isGlobal": "boolean",
"isRollupReportingLocation": "boolean",
"name": "string",
"parentId": "int32",
"source": "string",
"state": "string"
"nextShift": {
"accepted": "boolean",
"biddable": "boolean",
"breaks": [
"endTime": "date-time",
"id": "int32",
"isPaidBreak": "boolean",
"startTime": "date-time"
"datePublished": "date-time",
"employeeId": "int32",
"employeeName": "string",
"endTime": "date-time",
"id": "int32",
"locationId": "int32",
"locationName": "string",
"notes": "string",
"pendingSwap": {
"dateCreated": "date-time",
"fromEmployee": "string",
"fromEmployeeId": "int32",
"id": "int32",
"note": "string",
"rejectedReason": "string",
"status": "int32",
"statusDescription": "string",
"toEmployee": "string",
"toEmployeeId": "int32"
"published": "boolean",
"qualifications": [
"id": "int32",
"name": "string"
"role": {
"className": "string",
"hexColourCode": "string",
"id": "int32",
"name": "string"
"shiftAssignmentStatus": "string",
"shiftSwapCutoffTime": "date-time",
"startTime": "date-time",
"token": "string",
"workTypeId": "int32",
"workTypeName": "string"
"notAcceptedShiftsCount": "int32",
"pendingLeaveCount": "int32",
"pendingShiftCount": "int32",
"proposedSwapCount": "int32",
"region": "string",
"shiftConditions": [
"accruesLeave": "boolean",
"awardPackageId": "int32",
"awardPackageName": "string",
"employmentTypes": [
"externalId": "string",
"id": "int32",
"isUnitBasedWorkType": "boolean",
"leaveCategoryId": "int32",
"mappingType": "string",
"name": "string",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"payCategoryName": "string",
"shortCode": "string",
"source": "string",
"unitType": "string"
"standardHours": {
"advancedWorkWeekConfiguration": "string",
"employeeId": "int32",
"fullTimeEquivalentHours": "double",
"standardHoursPerDay": "double",
"standardHoursPerWeek": "double",
"standardWorkDays": [
"breakEndTime": "string",
"breakStartTime": "string",
"dayName": "string",
"dayOfWeek": "int32",
"endTime": "string",
"hours": "double",
"id": "int32",
"locationId": "int32",
"startTime": "string",
"week": "int32",
"workDayType": "string",
"workTypeId": "int32"
"useAdvancedWorkWeek": "boolean"
"startDate": "date-time",
"taxCodes": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"taxRate": "double"
"timesheetEntryPeriodEnd": "date-time",
"timesheets": {
"approvedCount": "int32",
"durationInMinutes": "double",
"periodEnding": "date-time",
"periodStarting": "date-time",
"processedCount": "int32",
"rejectedCount": "int32",
"submittedCount": "int32"
"titles": [
"description": "string",
"id": "int32"
"workTypes": [
"accruesLeave": "boolean",
"awardPackageId": "int32",
"awardPackageName": "string",
"employmentTypes": [
"externalId": "string",
"id": "int32",
"isUnitBasedWorkType": "boolean",
"leaveCategoryId": "int32",
"mappingType": "string",
"name": "string",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"payCategoryName": "string",
"shortCode": "string",
"source": "string",
"unitType": "string"
Name | Type | Description |
biddableShiftCount | int32 | Int32 |
classifications[] | array | |
classifications[].id | int32 | Int32 |
classifications[].name | string | String |
currentShift | object | EssCurrentShiftModel |
currentShift.breakStartTimeUtc | date-time |
Nullable |
currentShift.clockOnTimeUtc | date-time |
Nullable |
currentShift.isPaidBreak | boolean | Boolean |
currentShift.longShift | boolean | Boolean |
currentShift.shiftId | int32 | Int32 |
currentShift.status | string |
Possible values are:
currentWeekSatisfactionSurvey | object | EssSatisfactionSurvey |
currentWeekSatisfactionSurvey.value | string |
Possible values are:
currentWeekSatisfactionSurvey.weekStartDate | date-time | DateTime |
documentsRequiringAcknowledgementCount | int32 | Int32 |
expenseCategories[] | array | |
expenseCategories[].externalTaxCodeId | string | String |
expenseCategories[].id | int32 | Int32 |
expenseCategories[].name | string | String |
expenseCategories[].taxCode | string | String |
expenseCategories[].taxRate | double |
Nullable |
expenses | object | EssCurrentExpensesModel |
expenses.approvedCount | int32 | Int32 |
expenses.periodEnding | date-time | DateTime |
expenses.periodStarting | date-time | DateTime |
expenses.processedCount | int32 | Int32 |
expenses.rejectedCount | int32 | Int32 |
expenses.submittedCount | int32 | Int32 |
features | object | SgFeaturesModel |
features.allowEmployeeBankAccountSelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeExpensesSelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeLeaveSelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeOverrideTaxCodes | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeQualificationsSelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeRosteringSelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeSatisfactionSurvey | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeSelfEditing | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeTimesheetsSelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeTimesheetsWithoutStartStopTimes | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeToDeclineShifts | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeToSetUnavailability | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeToSwapShifts | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeeWorkEligibilitySelfService | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeesToEditKioskTimesheets | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeesToUploadProfilePicture | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowEmployeesToViewAllApprovedLeave | boolean | Boolean |
features.allowToSelectHigherClassification | boolean | Boolean |
features.clockOffWindowMinutes | int32 |
Nullable |
features.clockOnAllowEmployeeShiftSelection | boolean | Boolean |
features.clockOnRequirePhoto | boolean | Boolean |
features.clockOnWindowMinutes | int32 |
Nullable |
features.employeeMustAcceptShifts | boolean | Boolean |
features.enableWorkZoneClockOn | boolean | Boolean |
features.essTimesheetSetting | string |
Possible values are:
features.paidBreaksEnabled | boolean | Boolean |
features.shiftBidding | boolean | Boolean |
features.timesheetDimensionsEnabled | boolean | Boolean |
features.timesheetsRequireLocation | boolean | Boolean |
features.timesheetsRequireWorkType | boolean | Boolean |
features.unavailabilityCutOff | int32 | Int32 |
googleMapsApiKey | string | String |
isTerminated | boolean | Boolean |
latestPayslip | object | EssPayslipModel |
latestPayslip.datePaid | date-time | DateTime |
latestPayslip.employeeId | int32 | Int32 |
latestPayslip.id | int32 | Int32 |
latestPayslip.netPay | double | Decimal |
latestPayslip.payPeriodEnd | date-time | DateTime |
latestPayslip.payPeriodStart | date-time | DateTime |
latestPayslip.paySchedule | string | String |
latestPayslip.payerAbn | string | String |
latestPayslip.payerBusinessNumber | string | String |
latestPayslip.payerName | string | String |
leaveBalances[] | array | |
leaveBalances[].accruedAmount | double | Decimal |
leaveBalances[].leaveCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
leaveBalances[].leaveCategoryName | string | String |
leaveBalances[].unitType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveCategories[] | array | |
leaveCategories[].id | int32 | Int32 |
leaveCategories[].name | string | String |
leaveCategories[].unitType | string |
Possible values are:
locations[] | array | |
locations[].defaultShiftConditionIds[] | array of int32 | |
locations[].externalAccountingLocationId | string | String |
locations[].externalId | string | String |
locations[].fullyQualifiedName | string | String |
locations[].generalLedgerMappingCode | string | String |
locations[].id | int32 | Int32 |
locations[].isGlobal | boolean | Boolean |
locations[].isRollupReportingLocation | boolean | Boolean |
locations[].name | string | String |
locations[].parentId | int32 |
Nullable |
locations[].source | string | String |
locations[].state | string | String |
nextShift | object | SgEssRosterShiftModel |
nextShift.accepted | boolean | Boolean |
nextShift.biddable | boolean | Boolean |
nextShift.breaks[] | array | |
nextShift.breaks[].endTime | date-time | DateTime |
nextShift.breaks[].id | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.breaks[].isPaidBreak | boolean | Boolean |
nextShift.breaks[].startTime | date-time | DateTime |
nextShift.datePublished | date-time |
Nullable |
nextShift.employeeId | int32 |
Nullable |
nextShift.employeeName | string | String |
nextShift.endTime | date-time | DateTime |
nextShift.id | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.locationId | int32 |
Nullable |
nextShift.locationName | string | String |
nextShift.notes | string | String |
nextShift.pendingSwap | object | RosterShiftSwapModel |
nextShift.pendingSwap.dateCreated | date-time | DateTime |
nextShift.pendingSwap.fromEmployee | string | String |
nextShift.pendingSwap.fromEmployeeId | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.pendingSwap.id | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.pendingSwap.note | string | String |
nextShift.pendingSwap.rejectedReason | string | String |
nextShift.pendingSwap.status | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.pendingSwap.statusDescription | string | String |
nextShift.pendingSwap.toEmployee | string | String |
nextShift.pendingSwap.toEmployeeId | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.published | boolean | Boolean |
nextShift.qualifications[] | array | |
nextShift.qualifications[].id | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.qualifications[].name | string | String |
nextShift.role | object | RosterShiftRole |
nextShift.role.className | string | String |
nextShift.role.hexColourCode | string | String |
nextShift.role.id | int32 | Int32 |
nextShift.role.name | string | String |
nextShift.shiftAssignmentStatus | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
nextShift.shiftSwapCutoffTime | date-time |
Nullable |
nextShift.startTime | date-time | DateTime |
nextShift.token | string | String |
nextShift.workTypeId | int32 |
Nullable |
nextShift.workTypeName | string | String |
notAcceptedShiftsCount | int32 | Int32 |
pendingLeaveCount | int32 | Int32 |
pendingShiftCount | int32 | Int32 |
proposedSwapCount | int32 | Int32 |
region | string | String |
shiftConditions[] | array | |
shiftConditions[].accruesLeave | boolean | Boolean |
shiftConditions[].awardPackageId | int32 |
Nullable |
shiftConditions[].awardPackageName | string | String |
shiftConditions[].employmentTypes[] | array of string |
Possible values are:
shiftConditions[].externalId | string | String |
shiftConditions[].id | int32 | Int32 |
shiftConditions[].isUnitBasedWorkType | boolean | Boolean |
shiftConditions[].leaveCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
shiftConditions[].mappingType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
shiftConditions[].name | string | String |
shiftConditions[].payCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
shiftConditions[].payCategoryName | string | String |
shiftConditions[].shortCode | string | String |
shiftConditions[].source | string | String |
shiftConditions[].unitType | string | String |
standardHours | object | StandardHoursModel |
standardHours.advancedWorkWeekConfiguration | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
standardHours.employeeId | int32 | Int32 |
standardHours.fullTimeEquivalentHours | double |
Nullable |
standardHours.standardHoursPerDay | double | Decimal |
standardHours.standardHoursPerWeek | double | Decimal |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[] | array | |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].breakEndTime | string | String |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].breakStartTime | string | String |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].dayName | string | String |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].dayOfWeek | int32 | Int32 |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].endTime | string | String |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].hours | double | Decimal |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].id | int32 | Int32 |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].locationId | int32 |
Nullable |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].startTime | string | String |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].week | int32 | Int32 |
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].workDayType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
standardHours.standardWorkDays[].workTypeId | int32 |
Nullable |
standardHours.useAdvancedWorkWeek | boolean | Boolean |
startDate | date-time |
Nullable |
taxCodes[] | array | |
taxCodes[].id | string | String |
taxCodes[].name | string | String |
taxCodes[].taxRate | double | Decimal |
timesheetEntryPeriodEnd | date-time | DateTime |
timesheets | object | EssCurrentTimesheetsModel |
timesheets.approvedCount | int32 | Int32 |
timesheets.durationInMinutes | double | Decimal |
timesheets.periodEnding | date-time | DateTime |
timesheets.periodStarting | date-time | DateTime |
timesheets.processedCount | int32 | Int32 |
timesheets.rejectedCount | int32 | Int32 |
timesheets.submittedCount | int32 | Int32 |
titles[] | array | |
titles[].description | string | String |
titles[].id | int32 | Int32 |
workTypes[] | array | |
workTypes[].accruesLeave | boolean | Boolean |
workTypes[].awardPackageId | int32 |
Nullable |
workTypes[].awardPackageName | string | String |
workTypes[].employmentTypes[] | array of string |
Possible values are:
workTypes[].externalId | string | String |
workTypes[].id | int32 | Int32 |
workTypes[].isUnitBasedWorkType | boolean | Boolean |
workTypes[].leaveCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
workTypes[].mappingType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
workTypes[].name | string | String |
workTypes[].payCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
workTypes[].payCategoryName | string | String |
workTypes[].shortCode | string | String |
workTypes[].source | string | String |
workTypes[].unitType | string | String |